J Thomas Street Hardware

Paving projects can be time consuming, especially with “build-up” or “brick-up” methods. Manhole Riser Rings from JR Metal are lightweight and easy to install – so you can avoid using a backhoe and rerouting traffic for days.
They’re approved by Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland with certifications from PennDOT, NYSDOT, and MDOT. Made with top-tier steel and set to meet any street situation, they’re the perfect solution for paving projects.
Easy Installation
With Manhole Riser Rings, there’s no need to remove the existing manhole frame from its embedded position. Our rings are dropped into place the same day the paver is in operation – reducing the need to reroute traffic.
A single turnbuckle with a ¾” stainless steel bolt is the only adjustment needed for our Manhole Riser Rings. In a matter of minutes, one person can drop in our extension ring or frame, adjust it, and replace the cover.
Fabricated Steel Specifications
Our standard is ASTM 36 H.R. steel, although other grades are available. There are no inclusions or slag, and all welding is to AWS D 1.1 specifications. We use unparalleled quality 3/4″ stainless steel turnbuckles that are adjustable for tight fit and close tolerance.
Our Manhole Riser Rings are made with heavy duty hot-rolled steel for long life and better wear. They’re also sprayed with a rust and weather-resistant coating for ultimate durability. In addition, they stack neatly without warping for long-term storage if necessary.

Storm drain inlets can be a snag in any paving project. Catch Basin Risers can mean the difference between rerouting traffic for days on end and getting the job done in minutes. Instead of trying “build-up” or “brick-up” for your catch basins during paving, our risers speed everything up without sacrificing quality.
They’re simple to install, and with their lightweight build you won’t need a backhoe or a large crew. Approved by PennDOT, NYSDOT, and MDOT, these can be used in the tri-state area with no problem.
Easy Installation
Using Catch Basin Risers, you won’t need to move the storm drain or add cement to adjust height. The grates can stay in their fixed position by simply adding a steel riser underneath. Once the grate is removed, the riser can be placed the same day.
Fabricated Steel Specifications
We use ASTM 36 H.R. steel as standard, but other grades are available. All of our welding is to AWS D 1.1 specifications, and our risers have no inclusions or slag.
The steel for our risers is hot-rolled for long life and heavy-duty wear. For maximum durability, we coat them in a rust and weather-resistant spray. Made with high quality steel and set to meet any street requirements, they’re the ideal solution for storm drains while paving.

From tree grates to trash grates, trash racks, grate covers / lids, pull grates, scuppers and more; J. Thomas, LTD. provides quality street hardware that meets specifications and endures in harsh conditions.
Our unique and varied capabilities allow us to produce high quality units at prices and turnaround times that will keep our customer’s bottom line in the black!